Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meditation Yogi journey

It was a while since I update this blogs. Recently been busy with another blogs for a new meditation temple in Sg. Petani call Sammaditthi Meditation Grove or SMG.
Please check the SMG site at the following link.



Now back to personal blogs. Being a yogi I am not sure if I should talk about my meditation experience. Each person experience is VERY difference although the initial problem or obstacle might be the same.

As I mention on my earlier post I started meditation in 1982 about 27 years ago. It was during my study in University Malaya. It was not a coincidence as I am always fascinated about meditation and life of a monk. I remember pondering about what monk can and cannot do (Vinaya) when I was a little boy. Now I started to believe I might be a monk myself in the past life.

Now involving in meditation almost daily and spending much time with Bhante Thipako (Lim) and Bhante Ballavuddho of SMG, I see each person path in meditation is very unique. Out of 100 attending a meditation class only about 5~10 person will continue the practice. Meditation can’t be force, it like planting a seed. With the right condition it might grow into a tree, it might also not. This condition can be the simile to “Sila”.

From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Śīla )

Śīla (Sanskrit) or sīla (Pāli) is usually rendered into English as "virtue";[1] other translations include "good conduct,"[2] "morality"[3] "moral discipline."[4] and "precept."[5].

Most of the students that complete the training usually has meditate either in this life time or from previous life. There is always sign or trend in their meditation experiences.

During interview yogi usually talk about their “nimita” or feeling, an experience teacher will guide base on these interview.

“Nimita is a kind vision we experience during meditation “.

My advise is don’t be too concern of this nimita, just be aware and let it go.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Buddhism - Dharma

Ajahn Sok , Kg Pong, Klian Intan Perak Malaysia

I used to complain I don’t have the opportunity to learn Buddhism. Sometime I blame it to language barrier other time no place or temple I can go to. Now I realize actually Dharma is all around us, it just we can’t see it, this is due to ignorance (Moha)

It take me more than twenty years but better late than never.

Our life have been conditioned with “Anger”, “Greed” and ”Delusion” for many life cycle so you can imagine how hard to correct it or get rid of it.

Many times a wise teacher gives us a teaching but do we listen. Rather we argue with them because of our ego. Teacher here can be a monk, nun or even lay person. Actually every body is a teacher to us if we want to learn.

Ajahn Sok from Kg. Pong, Klian Intan recently gave a dharma talk at Sammaditthi Meditation Grove. This is a new meditation temple in Sg Petani Kedah. Two young Dutangga or Tudong monk Bhante Tiphako (14 vassa) and Bhante Balavudho (6 vassa) teach meditation and gave dharma talk. Ajahn Sok said it was very fortunate there is now good and experience teacher so do come to learn.

WACANA 2008 - Armada Hotel PJ

Bro.Tan Huat Chye, Uncle Vijaya, myself and Bro.Ee

Myself and Datuk Dr.Victor Wee

Just attended WACANA 2008 joined organizes by Nalanda Institute, Buddhist Maha Vihara and Buddhist Gem Fellowship. This year is the second year and conference theme is Buddhist Leadership in Malaysia – Vision, Values, Vitality. Key speaker are Datuk Victor Wee (Vision), Ajahn Jayasaro (Values), Ayya Santini (Values), Ven Chuan Guan (Vitality), Mr.Tan Huat Chye (Vitality) and Mr.Vijaya Samarawickrama (Vitality).

It was a very well organized and very successful. Sadhu to all that was involved. Participant was very fortunate to hear from established Buddhist leader and teacher.

Participants get the chance to be together, networking, sharing and inspiring each others. To really get the essence I will ponder on the issues, maybe for the next few days before the details are forgotten.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Buddhism - Meditation

My first encounter with meditation started during my varsity time at University Malaya in the year 1984. I joined the UM Buddhist society and there was a mediation class conducted weekly. I truly enjoy first meditation session; I guess it was the peace and bliss that give the calm. When our instructor tells us to stop, I was reluctant and I become upset. I was not please at all, I told the instructor about it and the instructor said it was because I enjoy it so much and do not want to stop.

It was much later when I learned how to properly end a meditation session. Do not open your eye immediately. First fell the body, take a deep breath a couple of time and remind yourself of ending the session. Do it slowly without rushing. I now usually move my finger and hand first before opening my eye.

Sila - Samadhi - Panna

Sila - Moral or ethical conduct, virtue, the foundation of Buddhist practice.

Samadhi - Concentration; a deep state of meditation.

Panna - Discernment; insight; wisdom; intelligence; common sense; ingenuity.